The invitation of the Sacred Prostitute: Complete receptivity - Lian Brook-Tyler

All The Everything is Lian’s monthly solo show where she often shares what she’s been creating, consuming, and celebrating before diving deep into a topic inspired or chosen by members of the Be Mythical fb group.

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The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30 minutes before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered.

To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. All the details you need are HERE!

This show begins by Lian telling a soul-stirring story of The Sacred Prostitute from the book of the same name by Nancy Qualls-Corbett.

Lian then invites listeners to notice and explore the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that were evoked for them personally by the story, before moving into speaking about some of the universal themes, such as fear, repulsion, objectification, desire, and receptivity activated by this archetype, and how to work with them.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • The Sacred Prostitute evokes such deep collective themes that she can be an incredible potent archetype for showing us where our work lies - notice and honour what she brings up for you

  • The Sacred Prostitute requires a deep level of maturity and individuation to work with deeply - Lian emphasises the importance of doing the foundational healing work and journeying through other archetypes before devoting to work with the Sacred Prostitute because she is such a magnet for fantasy and projection.

  • Receptivity is a key aspect of the Sacred Prostitute archetype, but it is often misunderstood and undervalued in our culture, which of course is why it’s so needed, powerful and medicinal when we do experience it.

Resources and stuff Lian spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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