‘A tribute to you – Queen Lian Brook-Tyler’

It takes a great Sage Queen to see, feel and speak from the depths of her heart and soul… I am fortunate enough to call one such as she a client and now soul sister… Elizabeth Lovius, who opened my heart beyond measure with these gifts and words.

‘A tribute to you – Queen Lian Brook-Tyler’

She breaks her heart and let’s it bleed

She walks the road ahead

She knows that deep inside we need

To feel what’s real and heal instead


To guilt and shame and grief and rage

And loss and pain, she gently tends

And like a gifted seer and mage

She greets the darkness as a friend


I am a wilder woman now

And I have found the path of trees

And she has shown me when and how

To fall down low, get on my knees


And pray for guidance from The She

Who offers Grace that sees us whole

And shows the way now rough, now ease

And calls forth wisdom from our soul


At times, a foundling when a child

A fierce one, weird and magical

And yet her love of all things wild

Has led beyond the tragical


Though pain has forged her in her bones

And she has wept and fallen low

She knows the songs, and cries and moans

That casts the spells; and magic flows


She walks in beauty, born anew

With oak and meadow, stream and firs

She is a fellow queen it’s true

Great power and great gifts are hers


She was my coach, my guiding hand

To light and dark she would attend

My heart and soul now does expand

To call her proudly; sister, friend


Elizabeth Lovius, December 2020

#wildheart #soulgifts #soulpath #shadowwork #allthetears


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“How do I…?”