Our “secret sauce”

Our “secret sauce”

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Our work involves helping people to create seemingly miraculous transformations and actualise extraordinary visions, and we’ve spent years walking and unfolding the path of Waking The Wild to make those kinds of mythical results occur predictably.

It can seem that our work is complex, innovative, and “out there”, and I guess that some ways it is because it’s a product of who we are (I’m a disruptive, obsessive geek who is guided by trees, dreams and non-physical entities, and Jonathan brings all the seeing, depth and wisdom of the oldest of souls) but the beating heart of everything we do is a simple, ancient truth: that every one of us is a gift and we become it only when we are welcomed and loved for all that we are.

We believe the world doesn’t need more productivity, efficacy, knowledge and growth for the sake of it, it needs more unconditional love.

If there’s a secret sauce to our work, it’s that… and you’re more than welcome to steal the recipe.

P.S. Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

#loveistheanswer #soulpath #soulwork #wakingthewild #unconditionallove


Rewilding and real Magic…


‘A tribute to you – Queen Lian Brook-Tyler’