Rewilding and real Magic…

Rewilding and real Magic…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

It was so misty when I was out on my wander yesterday, I took this photo as I strolled back down the lane to my house, marvelling at how lost in the mist it was despite being so close.

I dearly love this landscape… the fields, the great oaks, the hedgerows, the streams and the woods.

I know it so well and I feel safe here no matter how foggy or dark it is.

And despite its familiarity, there’s constant wonders too… animals (a buzzard on our fence yesterday), treasures (a Hag Stone one day, a special feather the next) and invitations deeper into the mystery (a tree pointing to the next breadcrumb on my path).

I’m reading Weaving Fate, Aidan Wachter’s brilliant book about the practice of real Magic, at the moment and it’s illuminated further something we constantly talk about in Waking The Wild… the need for those of us walking the path of soul-led, open-hearted sovereignty to spend time in our natural habitat, especially if we’re here to contribute to the Great Work.

Talking of the impact of the modern tame, sedentary way of life, Wachter says it thus… “We also lose the sense of connection to the physical and natural worlds we physically inhabit, trading the immediate knowledge of our place in the ecosystem and all its beauty and dangers for canned stories of the lives of others.”

Canned stories are not the fuel required to unfold our own myths. We need to do as Clarissa Pinkola Estés implores…

“Go out in the woods, go out. If you don’t go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.”

So misty, cold, wet or dark, I go. The alternative isn’t really an alternative for me… and as you’re reading this, I suspect it isn’t for you either.

#realmagic #magick #greatwork #rewilding #wildmagic #soulpath #aidanwachter #clarissapinkolaestes #wildwoman #wildfeminine


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