Three years and three vows…

Three years and three vows…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Three years ago I took a vow to serve the archetypal Feminine.

It felt like a choiceless choice, I had no clear idea then why I was making it or what it would require of me.

It didn’t take long for me to realise that I couldn’t serve the Divine Feminine without also being in devotion to the Divine Masculine – so I got two vows for the price of one.

Living this vow has turned me inside out, back to front, upside down.

  • Where I used to push, I now pull.

  • Where I used to close, I now open.

  • Where I used to tame, I now liberate.

Two years ago, I took a vow to be led by Soul, yet again, it was a choice made without knowing the How or what it would entail.

It’s been the unmaking of me…. Deep, wild, dark, beautiful, true.

I know those two vows were necessary to take me to the point when last year, I took a vow to walk the path of real Magic.

This is the most challenging vow I’ve made, it’s the one that’s been calling me all my life and that I’ve tried hardest to ignore.

After a lifetime of moving between fear and fascination, obsession and disassociation, I’m now finally: all in.

I’m now deep in Magical teachings – learning magical first principles, plus more healing, more rewilding, more focus, more Love – and I begin my shamanic practitioner training in a few months.

It feels completely right and yet, it still scares me.

I also know that a big part of my path is revealing Magic to others. I believe that Magic is a human birthright, and that right now we need all of its Love and wisdom… so whilst some secrecy is necessary, I will need to share many things openly, more than I feel comfortable with right now.

We don’t need to be a witch for the witch wound to ache a warning.

And yet, this is a vow it would kill me to break (a line that always makes me cry from ‘All The True Vows’ by David Whyte).

So, three years and three vows have brought me here… on my knees in devotion to the Divine Feminine & Masculine, Soul and Magic.

I could never have planned it this way… or did I?

#realmagic #magick #soulpath #davidwhyte #vow #rewilding #divinefeminine #wildfeminine #witchwound

#truewill #loveisthelaw #divinemasculine


Why all of you is welcome ♥️


Rewilding and real Magic…