Why all of you is welcome ♥️

Why all of you is welcome ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I work with a lot of empaths… people with a gift that for most of their life has felt anything but.

First of all their gift needs acknowledgement and then the work really begins… loving and cultivating themselves to become who they came here to be.

Despite understanding and helping empaths, I’m not one. In fact, I’m almost the opposite… I don’t experience other people’s feelings, in fact mostly, I have no clue how others are feeling.

For most of my life I felt like there was something wrong with me. I was so bad at reading a room, feeling the energy, and knowing how to show up “right”.

Slowly, painfully, and often embarrassingly, I learned enough to get by, to the point now that most people would call me empathic.

In actual fact, part of my gift is how I make others feel.

I’m often told that I bring a lot of energy into a room. I can turn the temperature sub-zero with a look (which has been described as Game of Thrones White Walkeresque), make someone feel they’re at risk of being incinerated (that’s the Dragon part of me) or I can light up a room and everyone in it, like the sun.

The more work I’ve done to integrate my shadow the more the impact I have is positive one: people feel seen, loved, welcome, liberated and most of all: a gift.

But I don’t deny that the capacity for the White Walker and the Dragon is still there, I honour and welcome those parts of me too.

We only get to be a gift and welcome others to be theirs when we stop shaming ourselves for everything we’re not, and instead start loving ourselves, radically, completely, for everything that we are, dark, light, blooms, thorns and all.

Art: Edward Howell, Unsplash

#empath #energy #soulpath #radicalselflove


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