How to know you’re ready for the Descent

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Most of our clients come from a background of various forms of spirituality, particularly non-dual and 3P. They’re drawn to us because they feel we are offering something that feels strangely “right” to them at that point in their lives.

Often there’s been a sequence of seemingly magical synchronicities and signs that’s led them to the point of knowing they’re called to walk the path of Waking The Wild.

But they’re worried it’ll mean disavowing or dismissing the years they spent in and the benefits they got from whichever spiritual path they’ve walked before.

When actually, the opposite is the case… these forms of spirituality are what we call Ascension. Simply put, it’s understanding and experiencing our non-separation… this is precious, beautiful and if we lived in a more indigenous life-way: our birthright.

So they get to keep all of that.

The reason they’re drawn to work with us is because they know deep down that they’re ready for the journey of Descension… into the wildness of the body, earth and soul.

They’ve seen their sameness to everything and everyone, and now’s the time to taste their uniqueness… the gift they came here to be.

It’s a very different journey to Ascension… it’s not all Love & Light, in fact, it’s more like Love & Dark.

Monroe once said “…if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

Side-note: if you want to dismiss this because it’s from someone known for her looks rather than her mind, may I offer an alternative view? Having studied La Monroe for years, I see her as being waaaay smarter and deeper than she’s given credit for. I’ll also be forever grateful to her because in lieu of YouTube or a mother around to teach me how to apply make-up, I taught myself by poring over her stills. But I digress.

Her words can be applied to how others relate to us, how we relate to others but, most of all: how we relate to ourselves.

When we can welcome, see and love our “worst”, our darkness, our wounds, and our shadows, we can love ourselves wholly – we can love ourselves whole.

This wholeness brings with it all kinds of gifts… from finally being able to make a living doing what we love, addressing “mystery” illnesses that have plagued us for years, to creating real intimacy in our relationships… that I’ve seen only come from the Descent.

You’ll know when you’re ready… you can look out for those synchronicities and signs. But most of all, know that you’ll know.

Art: still from The Misfits, 1961. It’s one of my favourite photos of her. And yes, probably because she’s hugging a tree so I get two of my great loves in one photo.

#thedescent #wakingthewild #ascension #3p #nonduality #shadow #rewilding #soulpath #marilynmonroe


On being provocative…


Why all of you is welcome ♥️