On being provocative…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’m often told that I provoke people… to think; to feel; to open; to close; to Fear; to Love.

It’s not exactly been an easy path but it’s one I’m growing to love as I see its gifts – the material for liberation it provides for me and others.

I’ve been diving back into my Human Design again recently and saw how this is reflected in my Incarnation Cross (which can be seen as our purpose or role in life)…

The Right Angle Cross of Tension

“39 (The Provocateur) 38 (The Fighter) 21 (The Hunter/Huntress) 48 (Depth)

“You were born with the gift to push people’s buttons. While this can create some negative reactions, the goal of the provocation is to find the right spirit in the reaction. Those who you provoke are given a ”gift,” as they have an opportunity to work on whatever you have provoked within them. They may not always see it that way though, so be forewarned. Your purpose is to create tension which causes a reaction typically in the form of a tirade or emotional expression. From that reaction come the seeds of information that through analysis can lead to the other finding an emotional path to spirit.”

So this is my mission and I choose to accept it.

Have you seen your path reflected in your Human Design?

#humandesign #manifestinggenerator #provocative #soulpath #purpose


To the holders…


How to know you’re ready for the Descent