Helping everyone is helping no-one

By Lian Brook-Tyler

(An oversimplification of a deep contemplation we’ve been in)

As I shared on the latest Waking The Wild Show episode (coming out soon), Jonathan and I have come back from our August break with a more intentional focus for the show going forward.

I continue to say in the intro “…meaning it more powerfully and precisely represents the deep work of Waking The Wild… essentially the show will be even more illuminating, engaging and helpful specifically for the people we are here to serve.

Which as you’re listening to this… I suspect includes you.

This show is for the old souls who serve as the healers, teachers, coaches and guides - those who have come here to actualise their unique soul’s medicine in this new world.

You are the mythical ones who are here to truly know yourself, to liberate yourself from wounding and conditioning, and to embody ancient ways alchemised for modern days.”

These are the very same people we’ve served in our deepest crucibles such as Mythical and Wild Medicine for many years now, so nothing has changed there, it’s simply that our podcast hasn't been super-focused on these people and their specific gifts and challenges (including their sensitivities and neurodivergence) as they discover and walk their soul path.

Why? Because we know the Way of Waking The Wild can be so healing and empowering for anyone who chooses it, we wanted to keep the door wide open for everyone.

And whilst anyone and everyone is still welcome to consume our resources, and may well still benefit from them, going forward, the topics, teachings and conversations on the show will be more focused on the people who we know we can and do serve most deeply… Typically they are healers, guides, therapists, spiritual practitioners, medicine people, and coaches (note, there are also other ways to serve from soul, such as one of our precious students who runs a community farm - you are absolutely who the show is for too, I’m just currently missing a word to describe you).

We know the show is already a helpful resource for those people (we know because you tell us all the time - which is so appreciated), and going forward it will be even more powerful for them.

So if you’re devoted to union with your soul and to working hand in hand with Spirit to serve your community, the show is especially for you.

Who knows, maybe one day we will be guided to help everyone, but for now, this is how we are being called to serve our community.

All my love and blessings as you unfold your own soul’s myth.

Lian ♥️

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