Meditation and devotion to the Magical Path

By Lian Brook-Tyler

The *only* reason I meditate is because I’m devoted to the Magical Path.

Me + meditation before now=Meh

And yet, one way or another, meditation is a requirement of the path I’m devoted to, so meditate I do.

Devotion can be *that* powerful, but in my view, any talk of devotion requires some small print.

The small print is this… it’s only when we’re Sovereign can we truly choose devotion, until then we’ll be compelled by fear (and fear is sneaky, it hides in many forms, including wanting approval and control).

Sovereignty can come about in many ways but almost all will require a form of shadow integration, which liberates us from being compelled by fear.

Once we’re liberated – and only then – devotion opens us up to a whole other way of being… life flows, we’re deeply guided, energy is abundant, love is everywhere.

It changes EVERYTHING.

After all, devotion has got me meditating with joy, ease and pleasure… and I didn’t believe ANYTHING could do that!

Sounds glorious, huh? But remember… Sovereignty first, always.

#devotion #sovereignty #magick #realmagic #shamanism #meditation #shadowwork #integration #devotion #loveisthelaw

P.S. Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to:Go deeper


When I accept myself just as I am, then I can change


Embodying the Feminine…