Embodying the Feminine…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

For most of my life I believed that the Feminine was weak, spoilt, illogical, manipulative, selfish, inconvenient, and did I say weak?

But the more I heal and integrate my relationship to the Feminine, the more I see who I really am and where my true power lies.

Turns out it’s embodying the Feminine… and She is soft, open, fluid, sensual, receptive, wise, creative, mysterious, abundant, magnetic, changeable, emotional… and powerful beyond measure.

If that’s weak then I’ll take it in every colour.

I look back at this precious photo… me with my beloved sister and mother… and breathe in all the love that was present in that moment in a way I just couldn’t have done then.

I’m sorry, please forgive me, I thank you, I love you.

#tbt #throwbackthursday #theheroinesjourney #mothersanddaughters #divinefeminine #hooponopono #wakingthewild

P.S. Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to:Go deeper


Meditation and devotion to the Magical Path


Only one reason…