By Lian Brook-Tyler

It’s taken a very long time to love this woman: how she moves, how she thinks, how she speaks, how she feels, how she creates, and finally… how she looks.

There’s a bazillion different reasons *not* to love ourselves – Fear can make every one of them compelling, convincing and reasonable.

And there’s one reason to learn (though it’s really an unlearning of falsehoods) to love ourselves… it’s the only way to live freely and fully as the unique gift we came here to be.

P.S. Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to:Go deeper

#selflove #radicalapproval #ilovemyself #soulpath #soulwork #wakingthewild #loveisthelaw #bethegift


Embodying the Feminine…


Who are you becoming?