Who are you becoming?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Gustav Jung

For me, that privilege means becoming a vessel for the Divine Feminine, Love, Magic and Beauty to pour through into the world… even and especially when it seems unwelcome, idealistic, fantastical, impractical and as provocative as Hell (and Heaven).

Objectify me, mock me, admire me, envy me, hate me, love me… it’s *all* welcome. The invitation is to use it as Material in service of your Liberation.

So how about you?

Who are you becoming?

P.S. Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to:Go deeper 


Only one reason…


What does it mean to slow down?