What does it mean to slow down?

By Sara J. Sanderson

The majority of us in this crazy modern world are living as fragments of ourselves. Slaves to constant doing and busyness in the name of progress, productivity, and ideas of success.

What if the fast paced modern world is a collective shadow of hiding our power and full expression?

Are we scared to see who we truly are?

Have you noticed how we even mock our innate ability of insight and the knowing beyond intellect, with terms like woo woo or making apologies for sounding weird (or maybe that’s just me?)

There can be a visceral pain in slowing down and facing our wounds. Stories of “I don’t have time”, “I must do more now” can easily mask the avoidance to feeling all that’s in shadow.

However noisy it gets and however caught up in the conditioned demands of the world you get. Your reflection is always here waiting to be seen and expressed.

The invitation is to slow down and face all of who you are. To reclaim your primal power and actualise your deepest gifts.

All of you is welcome here!


Who are you becoming?


To the holders…