“Which of the 3 types of needs is this?”

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Making the right choices for YOU is about knowing the difference between your 3 types of needs:

Needs that are Primal, e.g. for your human to survive.

Needs that are from Shadow, e.g. created by conditioning, trauma or ancestral wounds.

Needs for the actualisation of your Soul, your unique gifts and dharma.

When these 3 types of needs are left entangled and unseen, we make choices that are sustenance for the hungry ghost of fear. It can never be satisfied…. it always wants more security, more approval, more control.

But when we sort the wild wheat of Primal and Soul from the conditioned chaff of Shadow, we can make the choices to create lives that not only fulfil us magnificently but are pure medicine for our village.

P.S. People keep asking how to work with me - which is lovely, however currently we have no places until ‘23, when we’ll be opening WTW Feminine, Masculine, Sovereign and Medicine again - as well as creating something new!

If you’d like to see more about what we’ll be offering and register your interest (recommended) then take a look at our Go Deeper page.


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Neurodivergence, business and soul