“I am in you and you in me,
mutual in divine love.”
William Blake
The Be Mythical Path is grounded in ancient ways alchemised for modern days, including archetypes, shadow work, alchemy, embodiment, ascension spirituality, shamanic and nature-based practices, and more. We focus on teachings, rituals, ceremonies, and initiations that activate, illuminate, heal, and unite... So that you can live your soul’s myth.
The Path takes us on the journey of Sacred Union with 7 Mythical Elements. Another is one of those 7 Elements and it includes reverence, devotion and embodiment of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine for sensuality, relationship harmony and union.
Another on the podcast…
What it means to embody the Feminine. And why it’s so powerful.
In this episode of All The Everything, Lian shares what she’s been creating, consuming, and celebrating before diving deep into the topic: What it means to embody the Feminine. And why it’s so powerful.
Rewilding, healthy masculinity and the role of the modern man
In this conversation, Craig and Lian explored toxic masculinity vs healthy masculinity, inspired by a post that Craig wrote which included a quote from Iron John by Robert Bly “The activity that men were once known for is no longer required.”
Men & Women, Black & White, Spirit & Science… Why the future is Union
In this show Lian together with our beloved guests explored Richard and Namaste’s understanding and deep embodiment of union, how the bringing together of polarities such as Men and Women, Black and White, Spirit and Science, Light and Dark Workers, Conscious Wealth is the future – and one that is available to us now if we’re willing to release our grip on homogeneity and fairness.
Another on the blog…
Embodying the Feminine…
For most of my life I believed that the Feminine was weak, spoilt, illogical, manipulative, selfish, inconvenient, and did I say weak?
But the more I heal and integrate my relationship to the Feminine, the more I see who I really am and where my true power lies.
Turns out it’s embodying the Feminine… and She is soft, open, fluid, sensual, receptive, wise, creative, mysterious, abundant, magnetic, changeable, emotional… and powerful beyond measure.
The deepest, darkest journey into the Feminine yet…
I wrote the words below almost three months ago as we begun the first circle of Waking The Wild Feminine… today, as I prepare for our closing ceremony I can see it was indeed the deepest, darkest one yet.
All of us are coming out of this initiation as very different women to the ones who entered it… we emerge into the world with wild hair, bloodied knees, and broken wide open to Love and Truth.
She speaks for Herself
My deepest devotion, my most powerful work, and my truest medicine is the one I speak about the least publicly.
She speaks for herself.
These words were written by Elizabeth Lovius “It became clear to me that it was time to write a devotional tribute to the Divine Feminine and her Priestess and Guide in human form Lian Brook-Tyler. I wrote it this week and recited it to her in person yesterday – hers the first ears to ever hear it…”

“A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul,
so as to unite him with Source;
her lowest calling is to seduce, separating man from soul and
leave him aimlessly wandering.
A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk
the earth unharmed.
Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the
life of a woman."
Wisdom of the Cherokee, Native American tribe