“God is a verb, not a noun.”
R. Buckminster Fuller
The Be Mythical Path is grounded in ancient ways alchemised for modern days, including archetypes, shadow work, alchemy, embodiment, ascension spirituality, shamanic and nature-based practices, and more. We focus on teachings, rituals, ceremonies, and initiations that activate, illuminate, heal, and unite... So that you can live your soul’s myth.
The Path takes us on the journey of Sacred Union with 7 Mythical Elements. Spirit is one of those 7 Elements and it includes Communion with the Divine, supported and guided by your allies and guides through practices of opening your heart as a channel for Spirit.
Spirit on the podcast…
How to make offerings as a conversation with spirit
In this conversation, Jez and Lian explored the practice of making offerings as part of a relationship and conversation with Spirit - what offerings are, the benefits of making them, and how we can begin or deepen that practice.
How to know Love as a provocative, healing, liberating force
In this episode, Sara, the Waking The Wild Connection Creatrix turned the tables on Lian and asked her the questions...
They dived deep into the topic of Love, but not Love as you might know it but a Love that provokes and activates, as it heals and liberates. It's a kind of Love that Crowley meant when he said "Love is the law Love under Will. It is Love as a magical, divine, generative force.
How to reclaim a powerful relationship with the plant spirits of your land
In this show, Lian and Wendy explored how we as healers and guides serving others can connect with and work with the healing spirits of the plants in our local land, the life-changing impact that’s had on us both, reciprocity and permission, and how plants can show us the maps of life and the way back to ourselves.
Spirit on the blog…
Feeding the spirits ✨
I rarely talk directly about the importance of feeding Spirit, especially the spirits of the land around us.
The reason for this is heartbreaking, it goes directly to the disconnection humans in this modern culture have to themselves, let alone to other humans, other beings, the land around them and Spirit.
The Sacred Pause
Today is the first day of my month-long sacred pause… no teaching, no podcasting, no guiding… instead I will be devoted to my family, my home life and my own shamanic practice.
I’m beginning the month by re-reading my teacher, Jez Hughes’ first book.
It feels poignant as the woman I was when I first picked up this book five and a half years ago, on Jonathan’s insistent recommendation (who knew who I really was, years before I did), was a very different woman to the one sitting here now.
Devotion, submission and union 🙌
I was talking to precious WTW alumni Nicole Barton this morning, she was sharing with me how much is transforming in her life since the shamanic healing she had with me two months ago, and saying that amongst other changes, she was being unexpectedly called back to activities she once loved, such as horse-riding, yoga and piano.
I was saying that many of us submit to our souls without realising we are… A few of these ways are martial arts, music, and working with horses.

“…God is in a mood
to plunder your riches
and fling you nakedly
into such breathtaking
poverty that all that will be
left of you will be a
tendency to shine.”