The Body
“Instead of transcending ourselves, we must move into ourselves.”
Marion Woodman
The Be Mythical Path is grounded in ancient ways alchemised for modern days, including archetypes, shadow work, alchemy, embodiment, ascension spirituality, shamanic and nature-based practices, and more. We focus on teachings, rituals, ceremonies, and initiations that activate, illuminate, heal, and unite... So that you can live your soul’s myth.
The Path takes us on the journey of Sacred Union with 7 Mythical Elements. The Body is one of those 7 Elements and it includes connecting you intimately with your body through practices such as natural movement, resensitising and trauma release, to hear its needs and understand its wisdom and guidance.
The Body on the podcast…
How to experience Spirit via the body... in and down rather up and out
In this show, Steve and Lian spoke about what we might call descension and ascension, given Steve's work with meditation and embodiment gives him an unusual level of experience of both.
The menopause: A problem or the rite of passage of the Wise Woman?
In this show, Lian and Tania explored the topic of the powerful rite of passage provided by menopause and peri-menopause, what’s in the way of women embracing it in that way, and the changes that Tania’s witnessed in the UK in particular recently.
A practical guide to a day in the life of the Feminine
In this episode of All The Everything,
Sara from Team Waking The Wild interviewed Lian and they dived deep into the topic: A practical guide to a day in the life of the Feminine.
The Body on the blog…
From Screams to Whispers
“It’s hard being friends with you… you’re always so WELL!”
This was what a loved one told me recently.
I understood where she was coming from, I am exceptionally blessed, but it also called to mind the decades in which wellness wasn’t an enviable quality of my life.
I just saw a post I wrote a few years ago, it captures that time of my life well…
What’s your relationship to dancing?
One of the first and most powerful practices we invite the people into in Waking The Wild crucibles is some form of body-led dance or movement.
I’d go as far to say that without that... I’m not sure much wild reclamation of our bodies (and therefore our lives and souls) is possible.
What’s your relationship to dancing?
I notice there’s almost always a direct link between someone dancing freely and their connection with their body.
Creating time for Body-led Movement
A client told me that she often struggles to create time for body-led movement*, she asked if it’s OK if she’s simply listening to her body throughout the day and seeing how it feels and wants to move.
In an ideal world we’ll have both but more importantly, we don’t need to allow the lack of one shame us out of doing the other.

“The body is a device to calculate
the astronomy of the spirit.
Look through that astrolabe
and become oceanic.”