Everything You Always Wanted To Ask Us... Vision Quests, England, mirrors & love! - Lian & Jonathan (transcript)

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Episode Transcript:

Lian (00:00)

This is a very special 10 year anniversary of the podcast episode. And I'd actually say it was one of my favorite episodes in that decade. And that's because Jonathan and I asked each other questions we'd been asked by listeners and they are juicy, personal, thought provoking, very deep.

questions indeed, as well as some, I guess, more lighthearted fun, but no less personal. And so whether or not you're a long -term listener or perhaps newer to the show, you'll get to hear aspects of ourselves and our experiences that perhaps you've never heard before. Let's dive in!

Lian (00:49)

Hello, Jonathan. Welcome back.

Jonathan (00:53)

Thank you very much. Good to be back as ever and excited for this special show.

Lian (01:01)

not as excited as I am. Yes, I'm really looking forward to this. I feel like it's going to be such fun. So to recap on what in the future I will have said in the intro, this is a very special 10 year episode, 10 years of doing this show.

Jonathan (01:04)

Now, that's hard to beat.

Lian (01:29)

So I think I just want to take a moment for both of us to let that sink in because I for one never imagined that we would still be doing this, still be creating the show a decade on.

Jonathan (01:45)

This is classic Leanne and Jonathan where the opposite was the case for me.

Lian (01:48)

That's so true. You knew, you knew. Yes, total surprise to me, total not a surprise to you. But it feels, it feels so good. It really does. As you know, the podcast has been a bit of a love hate kind of journey for me over the years and

I think certainly in more recent years, it's become more and more one of love, but something deeper than that even, where it's just like, it's like deep alignment that goes beyond kind of like a personal sense of enjoyment. As much as, you know, that's much more been there, present consistently over the last few years. It just feels like, funny enough, someone asked me yesterday

or this week rather, something like, why do I even do the show? And it was interesting answering him. And I kind of said, it's got to the point where it almost just is, it just is the thing to do. It's just this such an actual unfolding thing. But I'd love, before we even go into asking each other questions, I'd love to hear your sense on the show, 10 years on, your relationship to

Jonathan (03:07)

Well, first of all, I just have a real deep, deep appreciation for the achievement of 10 years of running a podcast consistently for 10 years. You we know the stats out there for podcasts. There are very, very few that make it to such a milestone.

deeply, you know, been as intimately connected with it as I am, I deeply appreciate the material for liberation we've journeyed through along the way. And so it just fills me with a deep sense of appreciation, pride, incredibly proud of you and the way

our listeners, those unwatch after kind of say watches and listeners that are on YouTube, those who are the blessed souls who consume the content that goes out on this podcast. Yeah, I just feel really, really proud of you for the way you've illuminated more and more of yourself. Obviously I

get to experience the fullness of you in all the ways, all the time. I, yeah, when I was just struck there with just real appreciation of how much more and more of you, those who it's aligned to have got to witness. And that is truly a gift and one that hasn't just happened. There's been lots of things that's aligned for that to happen. yeah,

the initial things that stir in me.

Lian (04:45)

Hmm. thank you. It's really brought emotion up hearing you say that. there's two things that arose as you said that it's funny because we hadn't planned to have this conversation at all. And now it feels like the most obvious and natural conversation to be in before we even go into asking asking each other the questions. One was

It's interesting that it was the podcast itself. I think that really brought us together into that like alignment of realizing that we were greater than the sum of our parts. I was sort of starting to, and I think it was even your idea for me to, this is when we were met and we were sort of doing our own thing separately. And I think it was your idea for me to do a podcast as in like you were saying, I think you'd be great on a podcast. Why don't you do it and then help me do it. And then in

And as we did that, it became more more clear, like, why are we just doing these things separately? Why not just do things together? And that's just dawned on me. So yeah, huge, huge appreciation. Sorry.

Jonathan (05:57)

Yeah. And, and mad, I may well have known that, but part of you also knew that because the first show you actually recorded, was for the purposes of then writing it up, wasn't it? think the Jamie smart one was the first episode. And so there was a part of you that already kind of was working in that energy. And so when I was saying, let's create a podcast and then somehow we got onto, well, in fact, I recorded the interview with Jamie just so I had the

Lian (06:11)

Yes! Yes, because I didn't even want to. my goodness.

Jonathan (06:25)

the stuff there to be able to type

Lian (06:26)

my gosh, that's so, I've forgotten that. My gosh, this is, this has turned into this really spontaneous celebration of the podcast which feels perfect, but totally was not our intention. my gosh, I'd forgotten that. Yes. So I'd already been doing interviews, but written, like you say, where I would interview people, but then share them in written form. And I actually had a huge amount of fear around

appearing kind of like on audio as it were and then certainly on video which came much later and the only reason like you say that it ended up being a recording with Jamie I think that was actually him that recorded it not me was he said like come come to my house and let's let's do the interview there in person he recorded it not even me and then that ended up being our very first episode so thank you Jamie

Jonathan (07:20)

I'd forgotten that, Even more magical. Mmm.

Lian (07:24)

But yes, you're quite right. The podcast started in such a magical and organic way. Wow. But again, so testament to you and your seeing and your way of holding a vision and kind of nudging me towards it despite all my best efforts to.

Jonathan (07:32)

Yes, very much so.

Lian (07:47)

writhe and fight and resist. I can honestly say this podcast would not be a thing ever, but certainly not 10 years on without you and your ability to do that, to see what needs to happen, hold that vision and really bring things in alignment to bring that to a creation.

Jonathan (08:09)

Hmm. I think that I definitely feel that and I also just want to say if

If I was able to go back and speak to myself, or if we could bring the 10 years ago, Jonathan on right now. And I was able to share with him how it had gone. I think he would have been surprised at how.

how little of that actually was called of me. Yes, I've definitely been holding that energetic and that vision, but it's definitely part of me that is surprised, somewhat a little surprised at how in many ways effortlessly this became so natural to you. Because it is like, know, for me, the moment I met you, I'm like, my God,

you just come across so well on a podcast. You just had all the elements, but there was, I did envision if someone says to me, right, we're going to be here in 10 years, I'll be like, I'd have been thinking, okay, this is going to be quite, quite a lot of me to keep that, keep that consistency going. And again, in some ways I have, but I just want to kind of speak to, I would have definitely been surprised at how, how

little of that in certain ways it was because like you were speaking to at the beginning, once it started, it's like, yeah, it was always meant to be this way. And that form of you expressing yourself, getting to geek out, getting to speak to all these amazing people being able to form these incredible connections.

Lian (09:34)


Jonathan (09:44)

being able to do all the everything when you get to interact with people live, like this is you, this is what you're here for, this is what you thrive at, this is, you know, so much of even just a part of it, but so much of the rich medicine you have for the world. So yeah, I just want to that bit to

Lian (10:03)

Hmm. Thank you. I love this. We're totally unintentional. It's ended up being this like really wonderful celebration of the show, but also the two of us and our partnership. I love this. And one final thing that I wanted to say that came up when you said something like our listeners and also viewers that consume the content, it wasn't a correction. It was just interesting hearing that word consume and just realizing I think more and more

the deeper we've gone with the kinds of explorations, our journeys even now, stories that we have on the show, there feels to me this increasing invitation to do so much more than consume. I think initially this was perhaps less conscious intention, but more and more it's become a conscious intention that

The episodes are really intended to be an activation and inspiration, a calling to truth, a portal to take people into the depths. And it's like, yes, wonderful. Like if it starts off with it feeling like, I'm just going to consume this podcast episode. Wonderful. But it feels to me, there's like increasingly a such

Such a deep invitation that lies beyond that too.

Jonathan (11:34)

•• certainly, yes. And consumption and consume is a pretty much a loaded word in these times, certainly with capitalism and things like that. But really, just like any medicine, what do you do? You consume it, put it into your body itself and so on, then energetically go on that journey. And so in one way it is really fitting, but yeah, rightly so. Like you said, it's not, it's much more than that. It is a, and also because, because of what we're here for.

in terms of our lives and what those who are aligned with us are here for. We are incredibly discerning about what we energetically consume, how we choose to spend our time, what we choose to be an energetic union with. And so, yeah, with that level of discernment, it really carries a lot more to be on this sacred journey.

Lian (12:32)

Okay, so we are going to ask each other now two to four questions that our community would love us to ask each other and we don't know what those questions are which I find personally thrilling and we're gonna go back and forth.

and see what magic gets created. And this might be a one -off, it might be, you know, our intention is to do this as this, you know, 10 -year celebration of this co -creation that's happened between us over the years. But it might be something that, you know, if it goes well, if we enjoy it, if our listeners and viewers also enjoy it, it might be something that we do regularly. Let's see. So, over to you.

Jonathan (13:26)

Let's do it. Okay, so in honor of this 10 year anniversary, it feels aligned to start with a question relating to the podcast. And that question is, if you could go back in time 10 years and tell yourself something at the very outset of this podcasting journey, what would that be?

Lian (13:28)

ask me the first question.

I love that. I love the fact it is related to the podcast.

Don't do it! Just don't do it girl! You've no idea how hard it will be! Just don't do it! I'm joking. There's certainly been times I hope that I'm shitting myself for that. Looking at it from this

Jonathan (14:02)


Lian (14:28)

I think I would go back and actually provide a guess. It's not something that was new that I didn't know then, but it would almost be a kind of confirmation or a validation of, I'm going to talk about me personally, but I know the same is true for you.

When we began the show, it wasn't from this kind of strategic, this is a great form of marketing place. It was...

kind of like just like we talked about is this very like emergent, spontaneous, it was kind of happening anyway and then the first episode was recorded but it wasn't even intended as a part like, you know, that says a lot about kind of what was animating me at the time. It was like, there is this stuff, this message that feels as though it wants to, my goodness, I'm gonna use the C word, it wants to channel through me into the world.

And it felt like it was just about honoring that without, know, it's like great if it turns into being these other things, you know, like a form of organic marketing, for example. But that certainly wasn't this like, reverse engineer, how can we do organic marketing? a podcast would be a great way of doing it. It really didn't come from that place. And I look back, if I could go in direct answer to that question.

Jonathan (15:40)


Lian (16:03)

Great question by the way, whoever asked this. If I could go back and speak to the Leanne of a decade ago, I would just confirm like follow that. Like I could really feel the emotion rising actually. It's just like that, that part of you that can feel what's true, what needs to be created through you. Trust that always. That's it. That's it. Right there. Do that.

Jonathan (16:31)

is it? I feel that deeply beautiful. Okay, tears straight away. First question, when

Lian (16:37)

Yeah. Hmm. So, actually, I have a question for you that's along the same line. So I'm going to ask you, ask you that one now. Looking back on the past 10 years, what are you most proud of? And sort of like second follow up question related.

And is there anything you regret or would have liked to have done differently? So this obviously isn't podcast related, although it could be. It was more general. Do you want me to repeat that or was that clear?

Jonathan (17:21)

Yes, Repeat it.

Lian (17:23)

Looking back on the past 10 years, what are you most proud of and is there anything you regret or would have liked to have done differently?

Jonathan (17:32)

with a fist, the first thing would be

as you alluded to how I can hold the vision, how I can. I'm reminded of Churchill's quote, this isn't what I'm going to say is not directly related to the podcast. I think you know which one is going to be is when you're going through hell, keep going. And that certainly isn't what the podcast is. But there's a there is a we speak to this often. The reason myself

Lian (17:59)


Jonathan (18:08)

There are many reasons why myself and Leanne are such beautifully paired when it comes to being in a partnership, in a union to be in service of what we're here for. And the big part for me is that patience, that diligence, that holding that vision. And even in the most challenging of moments, being at least where it's aligned and unwavering. And that's something that's...

I'm most pleased and proud of, just because of what it requires. It may be a gift of mine, but it's not one that's easy, let's say. It takes a lot of willpower to honor. sorry, do remind me of the second part of the question, please.

Lian (18:59)

Is there, this is from memory, but some paraphrasing, is there anything you regret or would like to be able to go back and have done differently?

Jonathan (19:12)

I would have definitely personally have had more of me on the show. As we know, that's changing now. And there are significant reasons for that. But if I could change anything, if I could go back in time, basically from now to that point, I would definitely have, I would be more present on the podcast than what I had been.

certainly in the early years.

Lian (19:41)

Yeah, I hear that. It's how many have we done this year? Is this the fifth or sixth?

Jonathan (19:53)

I believe at least the fifth, potentially the sixth. think the fifth, what were we in July? We've done almost one a month, so I think at least five, yes.

Lian (20:03)

Hmm. It feels, it feels something really hmmm, like symbolic and significant and timely that that question and the way you've answered it, it's like that very thing is the thing that has changed this year. This is, this is...

In some ways, I'd say it's probably close to being true. The number of times you've been on the show this year is equal to the number of times you've been on the show over the whole decade. Very close to that. This year it will be.

Jonathan (20:38)

potentially I was not not maybe as much but he's for close put it that way it really is and

Lian (20:47)

Hmm. Yeah, love that. Okay. I've to for the next question.

Jonathan (20:53)


Hmm, okay, this is a bit of a big one. It may not be the easiest to answer, but it's the one where my energy is being drawn. What was the most powerful experience of your life?

Lian (21:17)

my goodness. I find this is where the Libran in me is just like, my God, how do I make a decision here? So I might have to. This isn't, this isn't me swerving the question. I might.

is when something is like that binary, I find it really hard to like choose between things. So I may answer, I'm gonna close my eyes and kind of go in with and see what arrives. And I'm not gonna say it literally definitely is the most powerful, but it's the thing that's a variety in this moment speak about, not that know what it is yet, if that's okay. Because otherwise we'll be here for the next hour while I choose. Yeah.

Jonathan (21:40)


Yeah, definitely. I knew when I was answering this, yeah, I thought when I was going to answer this question, there's lots of layers in this, but I had a sense that something's going to come from

Lian (22:04)

Okay, would you ask it again and I'll close my eyes, put all that kind of stuff to one side and just see what arises please.

Jonathan (22:15)

Leanne Brooke Tyler, what was the most powerful experience of your

Lian (22:45)

Gosh, so many different... I thought it was going to be simple. I thought that it was going to be one clear, it's this, and I've had so many different ones arise.

Okay, this is not the one I thought I was going to say, but it's the one that feels there to be said.

So there's huge amounts of context and background to this that I don't have time to go into, some of which will be clear to people who have listened to the show for some time. But I was very, very resistant. And I don't even actually think resistance is quite the right word. It was just very clear it wasn't right for me to work with any kind of...

teacher plants or anything of that kind for much of my life. And again, I don't even think it was resistant in the way that it was like I should have done, but I was scared to. It feels to me it was actually correct that I didn't until it was very clear it was time for me to do so.

think there's many reasons why that's the case, that it actually wasn't right until it was. And at the point it was right, I was prepared to open fully to the mushroom and to have the experience that I can see in some ways I've been waiting a lifetime for.


The reason it was so powerful is it was in one night...

so many, so many of the experiences I'd had across my lifetime that I'd been scared of, that I had resisted, that I tried to close down.

It was in that one experience I got to see who I am and why I'm made the way I am and why I've had those experiences and how they could be put to use even more profoundly than I'd had the opportunity to see in the years prior.

And so.

It was so powerful because it was an experience of kind of opening me to me. But then also, as is always the case, is the closer we get to ourselves is also the closer we get to everything, the closer we get to God, to spirit. And it was at that experience that has provided...

almost a map or a blueprint that has guided me since. And is, you know, in some ways I feel like I could probably spend the rest of my life still, still living out, still understanding, still integrating in kind of modern parlance, that experience. But

Yeah, again, to say it was the most powerful experience of my life perhaps isn't absolutely true, but it in this moment feels it's the one that wants to be spoken.

Jonathan (26:48)

Well thank you for speaking, incredibly beautiful and so incredibly precious.

Lian (26:59)

Thank you. To the mushroom.

Jonathan (27:02)

Thank you and blessings to the mushroom.

Lian (27:06)

Okay, so...

Okay, changing it up again. If you could give one piece of guidance, interesting the word guidance rather than advice, one piece of guidance to a young man who is struggling with life, what would it be? If you give one piece of guidance to a young man who is struggling with life, what would it be?

Jonathan (27:35)


I got this two came up straight away and it's like trying to between two sons or something like that.

okay, yes.

It would be quite simply go on a vision quest.

very simple short answer and also from that experience because the other thing that came to mind just the presence was

the very thing you're searching for is within or within is you is as cliche as it sounds. And obviously it's through spending time with ourself disconnected from the world, deeply immersed in ourself that we get to experience that. so, yeah, I

I would give that guidance.

Lian (28:51)

I know if it said and why, but I'm going to add and why. Did it say and why? I don't know if that was the last part of the... No, it wasn't, but I'm going to ask and why.

Jonathan (28:57)

Hmm. If there is a why for me, for any young don't believe there is a greater experience that one can do. think this is the reason why when we look into just about every continent of the globe,

This is what happens. Young men go on a rite of passage. Young boys, should I say, go on a rite of passage to become a man. That is the maturation process. That is the thing that right now, that is one of the things right now that is behind so much

the greed, the shadow, the insecurity, the fear that envelops, pervades and drives a lot of the things that aren't honoring to life in this world. And yeah, if there was this one thing that every, from this point forward, if every young boy got to go on a vision quest on that ride of passage to become a man,

the world would just be the most incredibly beautiful place. That's some of the why. Not that that's not enough.

Lian (30:24)

Hmm. It's funny actually, because it feels as though there's a real parallel between the question you just asked me and your answer to that question in that I'm guessing you would consider your maybe first vision quest or maybe a different one of your vision quest as being one of the most powerful experiences of your life. Would that be so?

Jonathan (30:47)

Yes, certainly one of, yes. No doubt about that. And there have been many, many vision quests since, and they have all been incredibly powerful. But yes, certainly that first one, which being me, I dove in in 10 days. I just thought, I'm going in 10 days. What's this three and four day business? And yeah, it was, it was.

It's certainly one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

Lian (31:19)

And just to say, I think this is important to say, particularly as this is something we are now offering to our students is to go to spend time with you and Ibiza and to be guided through a vision quest. They will likely be more like the, you know, four day kind of period. And I think it'd be helpful for you to speak to why that's the case.

Like what do you see is possible and why that it feels like a kind of sweet spot for that briefly if you wouldn't mind.

Jonathan (31:56)

Sure. first of all, that is usually, again, when we look around the world to see what the length of time vision quests are, usually it's around four days and four nights. And there are, of course, the longer 40 days and 40 nights, like Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, and things like that that are of longer things. the four days is generally

what is considered the sweet spot. it's not just, it's one of them things that you get to see that just happens. It's just like a deep knowledge that either comes from the earth or that is called or guided people to go on that period of time. But what is as important, and I can't say as important of the actual journey yourself, which you can only do on your own.

is the bit that would come afterwards. And the bit that comes before is really important, but the bit that comes afterwards, where you would then meet an elder, basically that young boy would come back as a man, or before he came back, he would then meet an elder or a group of men that was in a place to be able to meet him and decipher and go on a journey with what came through to him to help further illuminate and connect the dots for him to really bring that into this beautiful constellation of this vision.

that he has for who he is, for what he's here for. And to bring that back into the village and therefore have that ripple out is so, yeah, just gives me goosebumps. Just even feeling into the power of that.

Yeah, I'll leave that at that. Hopefully that was clear enough.

Lian (33:46)

Yes, it absolutely is. I just felt important to ask you, given what you were saying about, you were kind of like, went for the 10 day one, a bit like kind of dismissive of the shorter ones. And I know that's not how you feel. So I just wanted to give you the opportunity to speak to that from where you are now.

Jonathan (34:02)

Yeah, it wasn't, it certainly wasn't dismissive. was, I can tend to go, hmm, that's interesting. Just reflecting on that, I still the case, I was just feeling into that has changed because that was a long, long time ago now. And I was just feeling into, yeah, that has changed quite a bit where, yeah, maybe I'm not as...

Lian (34:10)


Jonathan (34:29)

I know what the word is to describe that, but yeah, I can feel there is a shift at least.

Lian (34:32)

Yeah. I think I just asked you that question. Yes. So back over to you.

Jonathan (34:39)

You did indeed. So this one, I'm going to go to Aurelia's questions and pick one from here, which is Leanne's daughter. And this is a great one. I'm going to go for this one. If you were trapped on a desert island, what one spiritual item or not would you bring?

Lian (35:04)

she just to say before I answer that she is the queen of the questions. Like she's she's known for it. She has she has these sort of stock few, they're variants of but like one of her favorites is to ask people would you rather and so an example that would be she asked literally anyone she meets as open to be asked a question one of them is would you rather die?

drown in water or soup that's an example of one of those things but she will ask all sorts like would you rather I don't know she'll say some sort of like I don't in fact I'm not gonna go there because I'm then trying to manage like that doesn't sound very very politically correct so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave that there but just to say she is the queen of the questions so going back to

Jonathan (35:54)

Well, I will say the apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree. Maybe not the type of questions, but the queen of questions at least.

Lian (36:01)

So, gosh, that's a great one. So I'm gonna go on the idea that certainly in the desert island I've landed on, there is a tree.

there's already, I'm kind of looking at thinking of that, you know, that sort of like emoji of a desert island that's got one palm. So this one might have more than one tree, but ultimately it's got at least one tree. And I know that that's, you know, that place I can go to to connect, pray. Yeah, so that feels, that feels clear. So from that place.

Jonathan (36:24)


Lian (36:48)

Hmm. If we were really getting insight into how I am challenged sometimes to just answer a question because it's like, my goodness, but there's this variable and that variable and that option. We might have to edit out some of the long pauses of me just thinking.

It's really interesting. It's like I just have no answer to that and there's something in that in itself.

Jonathan (37:31)

Well, what I was just feeling in that moment was to invite you to, as you did with maybe the first question, just to close your eyes and drop in. Cause it's almost like I could feel when you go up there, there's just so many variables, but like, it feels like there's a deep intuitive knowing maybe.

Lian (37:39)


Hmm, okay, I'm going to do that and would you ask me again and I'll answer from wherever arises.

Jonathan (37:53)

will. If you were trapped on a desert island what one item, spiritual or not, would you bring?

Lian (38:07)

Wow, it's so interesting what's just arisen and it's really related to something you and I were talking about earlier actually and I'm not even going to explain why this might be the answer that's arisen, I'm just going to share it and then we'll see what we both think of it. It was a mirror.

And my sense is that's both literal but also symbolic.

Jonathan (38:46)

Mmm, I did so for me I've got chills because I as you know live on the island magical island of Ibiza and one of its traits it's known as the mirror because it will show you everything about yourself even the stuff you don't want to see and so like over the moment you said you said that word I got kind of chills running through

Lian (38:55)


Yeah, you know what just occurs to me actually? This is very present at the moment because I just yesterday recorded a follow -up episode with Jessica De Ruta and we were talking about the guess interweave of astrology and psychology. We were talking about my

stellium in Libra in the seventh house which makes me very other orientated, very like wired for partnership and it's it's kind of like natural for me but it's like even deeper than natural it's like almost essential for me to have that mirror of another person.

And so looking at it through that lens, it's like, well, if I'm alone on a desert island, I need something that's going to provide that for me. And of course, it doesn't need to be an actual mirror. It doesn't even need to be an actual person. But it's interesting. I think there was this deeper instinctual sense of there needs to be something that provides that.

Jonathan (40:13)

Yes, yeah, I feel that so deeply. And knowing you, the island would be so beautiful anyway, in lots of a way, so you could get so lost and captivated in this gloriousness that would be your island, that, yeah, that essential, incredibly powerful medium or element of the mirror to really help you be with yourself, see yourself, feel yourself. So powerful. Yes.

Lian (40:34)


on that paradise island. Okay. this is a juicy one. This is a juicy one. I'm interested to see not just how you answer this, but kind of if you'll answer it. What is something that you've rarely or never spoken about publicly before that you feel ready to speak about now?

Ha ha ha

Jonathan (41:08)


So as you know, I'm a pretty open person, the publicly, such as on a podcast or something like that, I'm trying to see through that lens. Let me just take a moment to feel into

a really tricky one. Actually, I'm really, I'm really trying to think of something that I haven't somewhat publicly spoken to.

But if I do it through the lens of this podcast publicly, as in people who aren't in our crucibles, let's say who work with us and who we serve.

Lian (42:10)

Can I just add, just make a quick distinction here, because I think it might be helpful for listeners, that if you've journeyed with us in our, you know, particularly our most intimate groups, what's it say for example, medicine?

Jonathan and I hold very little back, like part of the way that we work and we teach and invite others into, especially they're kind of like those wounds where we really are going to need to be in deep intimacy with some of the most painful, shameful parts of us. We absolutely take our own medicine and walk our talk. And so...

I just want to give the context, the reason that Jonathan is kind of like, huh, you know, I feel really open because I've shared so much, is because that is our practice. You know, that's our devotion is to show up in those spaces in that way. And, and so there is a, like actually a vast distinction between how we might show up in those spaces and how much we might share versus something like the podcast where it just isn't the,

the right space energetically set to do so. And I feel like that's something really important to just to name that before you then go on because there is again, that's really deeply intentional woven into the way that we work and why we work that way. But sorry, back over to you.

Jonathan (43:40)

Yes, that is helpful. Thank you for sharing that and giving that context because yeah, there really isn't much I can conceive of that I haven't shared. what I'm feeling into if I was going to meet some podcast listener, let's say, if I could share something that may surprise them as, yeah, for me as a man, as in I can be a very...

I can just say I'm a very masculine man, but there is rarely a day goes by where I do not cry. And that is, yeah, one of the most precious things in my life where, yeah, I cry just about every single day because I'm moved by love, by beauty, by a song, by

or clip or real. And yeah, that one came up as just as one that may be surprising to everybody. And it's really part of my June only on but the list is probably done as my life's work is to is grace. It's jinky 22 is to find the sweetness in the suffering and I've had a very challenging life with pain and

various illnesses from a very young age and being able to be with the beauty of life that moves me to tears daily is something that's so precious and as yet

is not something I've spoken about that much publicly, but obviously internally, everyone knows and witnesses me crying in front of them often. So yeah, that's the one that comes to mind. But yeah, like you said, it's a tricky one to speak

Lian (45:29)


Hmm, yeah, I love your answer. So have we got time for one more? Are we done? I've got no idea how many you've asked me.

Jonathan (45:47)

I reckon, yeah, I think so. At least one more each. let me just... It's interesting because I was going to ask one that was probably a bit too similar to the one you've just asked me. So let me just take a moment to see. Where is the most magical place you have been?

Lian (46:12)


Gosh, I'll say before I answer that I've been fortunate to have visited a great many places, many of very magical. I've traveled, it's funny because I'm in some ways such a kind of...

Homegirl, what's the normal phrase of not saying homegirl? Homebody, that's it, homegirl. I'm such a homebody, but that's to suppose with, I've also traveled a lot and visited a great many places. And so I have a lot of places to pick from. And I'll say the kind of like, the ones that came up.

Jonathan (46:49)

Homebody I think is the one you usually use.

Lian (47:12)

as potential response, but they're not the ones that I necessarily feel are the right answer in this moment. Certainly India was, it felt like, and I think these are some of these might be like personal to me, like I had a real soul connection to India, which I kind of knew before I'd even visited it. And when I went there, I could just feel like, yes, there's part of me that's home here.

The same is also true for Italy. had that sense for years before I even took an Italian language evening class before I'd ever visited Italy or even had plans to do so because I felt such a connection to the land and the language. And also Ibiza, as you know, I lived there as a child and yeah, just such magical land as you well know. And yet,

despite saying all of that, it's the English land that...

There's no place I've been that has for me the magic of this land in a way that I'm able

open to and experience as distinctly and as profoundly.

And there's many different places in this land that I felt that.

Yeah, it's so interesting. I can go to the most most beautiful magical place and then I come back and just even go to my local fields here and I just feel this sense of I'm home and there's nothing quite like the magic of this place no matter where else I

Jonathan (49:21)

Beautiful, I feel that so deeply. The home as well, that's what I felt when you went there. Beautiful.

Lian (49:24)


Yeah. Okay, one very quick last question for you. Well, we'll see.

Jonathan (49:35)

I reckon we've got, I've got one more I want to ask. was just looking. So just to let you know, I'm going to ask at least one more.

Lian (49:37)

Okay, okay.

Okay, here we go. If you had to drop all of your different practices and only keep one, what would it be and why?

Jonathan (49:50)

that one's easy at the moment. And as you know, I am really, really deepening my practice of Qigong, a very particular type of Qigong, which is called Pangu, P -A -N -G -U. And I actually do it for an hour in the morning and an hour.

in the evening. And I'm actually looking to increase that further, which makes me surprised because I appreciate that's a significant amount of time. But as you know, Leanne, I take where I align my time incredibly seriously. so the very fact that out of them 24 hours in that cycle, I have two of those hours devoted to that practice.

Yeah, speaks volumes, so Pangu is what it would be.

Lian (50:53)

There you go, short and sweet. Okay, do want to ask the last

Jonathan (50:58)

indeed, worry. So if you could whisper into everyone's ear in the world at the same time, in whatever their native language would be, what would it be?

Lian (51:13)

my goodness, what a question.

I feel like I want to ask all these questions of like, they know that, you know, how are they going to experience that? it, are they going to know it's someone whispering? Are they going to hear it as an internal voice? But I'm going to answer it from a place of it's, it, me whispering it lands for them, like a kind of deep inner knowing.

Jonathan (51:47)

That's was just about saying, yeah, knowing that it will land.

Lian (51:50)


You are so loved.

Yeah. And same question back at you.

Jonathan (52:04)

simple as that

love aside if I can move that aside what comes through is you are what you've been searching for

Lian (52:26)

Wow, this has been a real pleasure and so much fun. I for one would love to do this again, but let's see. yeah, yeah, this feels, this feels complete and I've enjoyed this so much. Anything you would like to say on the experience of this show?

Jonathan (52:49)

Well, I have also thoroughly enjoyed it. And I would just on the back of what you've just said there should those who've either listened or watched this love to experience more of this, please send us your questions. You would drop them in the comments on YouTube or email them directly to us or on the social channels and.

yeah, let's see how this lands and we'll be able to tell based on the questions we get back where the alignment lies.

Lian (53:18)

Yes, yes, I love that. So thank you so much for your questions. And if you would like to hear more of this, then let us know. But for now, I think we're complete. And again, I can't think of a better way to have celebrated 10 years of the podcast. Bless its soul.

Jonathan (53:42)

Indeed, let's do it again in another 10 years.

Lian (53:44)

Hehehehehe hehehe

Lian (53.48)

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Lots of love for now.

See you again next week.


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