Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth



Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Lian Brook-Tyler Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Lian Brook-Tyler

The untapped power of the Night Self

The untapped power of the Night Self 🌙

“Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?” Carl Jung, The Red Book

A potent way to ‘be mythical’ - which is to say, to consciously enter the world of wild and mythical archetypes, beings, arcs, and symbols in service of living your soul’s unique myth - is to pay attention to the contents of our dreams, this intentional relationship with what I call our “Night Self” is one that grows richer with time and attention.

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Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Lian Brook-Tyler Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Lian Brook-Tyler

Is it really an accident.. or is it something very different?

Is it really an accident.. or is it something very different? ♥️

As I learned during years in shamanic initiation and then in shamanic work since, anything that happens during a ceremony… be that the candle that gets knocked over, the way we’re struggling to light the sacred fire, the friction between people, or the rain beating down… all of these things have meaning are not incidental and accidental as we might normally think of these things, and they aren’t a problem to be solved (perhaps aside from taking action to resolve something that will cause damage). All of these things are part of the ceremony, in fact, a vital part of the ceremony, something to be observed, learn from, and help us to heal.

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Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit, Rewilding Sara Sanderson Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit, Rewilding Sara Sanderson

Is THIS the way?

Is THIS the way? 💎

In the last few days I’ve used shamanic journeying, tarot, microdosing, astrology, dream work, mythology, inner child work, Socratic questioning, guided visualisation, Kabbalah, alchemy, and other traditions and systems in working with clients and students.

Some of these I use because they’re my mother tongue (e.g. Socratic questioning, mythology, and archetypes) some I use because I’ve been guided to do so despite much resistance (e.g. shamanism as a whole, and teacher plants especially), and some I use because they’re the other person’s mother tongue (e.g. Human Design).

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Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Sara Sanderson Embodiment, Self Illumination, Spirit Sara Sanderson

Why welcome the worst parts?


One of the important lessons of the folktale, The Lindworm, is that the more we push something away because we see it as ugly, unnecessary, disruptive, dark, shameful… The more dangerous and destructive it becomes.

This includes other people who we see as ‘other’, parts of ourselves, such as emotions like anger, pain, shame, grief, longing, and desire, as well as our natural gifts and traits, especially ones that aren’t understood or valued in our culture - neurodivergence being an example.

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Sara Sanderson Sara Sanderson

The Mole Day

Once upon a time, I devoted a day to tending a dead mole. I was nine or thereabouts and at this point my father and I lived in an old ‘converted’ (slight embellishment, that) blacksmith’s barn set on the edge of the wilds of Exmoor, Devon.

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Sara Sanderson Sara Sanderson

Are you really '‘doing the work”?

The reasons your partner, family, and (potential) clients aren’t ‘DOING THE WORK’ will often be the same reasons you aren’t (especially if you think you are)…

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

This is how I discovered magic is real 🙏

(And I don’t mean magic in a ‘happiness, sunshine & rainbows’ kind of way… I do actually mean real magic as you’ll see as you read on, but if TLDR, Dr Daniel Ingram’s definition “Extraordinary Magick: includes the levels of causal effects that are beyond what most people consider the ordinary world of cause and effect, i.e. the realm that science, with the occasional exception of particle physics, considers mythical.” is a pretty good one for now.)

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

We need each other ♥️

So many of us are waking up to being bereft of community, something that was a birthright for humans for aeons.

And perhaps those of us who are here to embark on mythical soul quests into dark forests and forgotten temples, meeting dragons and angels - metaphorically and otherwise - feel the lack of it more than most.

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

The Throne

📜✨ On World Poetry Day, we offer you 'THE THRONE' - a provocative invitation and reflection by Lian Brook-Tyler on reclaiming your sovereignty and living your soul’s myth. ✨


Everyone knows that Queens and Kings

are only meant for myths and as figureheads.

If one dared speak of sovereignty,

the call would resound:

who does she think she is?

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

How to embark on the journey of working with a spirit or deity

What steps are you taking to cultivate deep listening and understanding of the symbolic language of spirits or deities?

Jessica Howard, an author and a mentor who has been a practicing witch for over 20 years, joins Lian to explore the experience of feeling a call from a particular spirit, element, deity, or being and the mythical journey it can take you on. Jessica shares her personal journey with water and how she was called to work with the element, and Lian shares her own with the Oak and Rose.

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

Meeting The Master and The Monster within 👹

I watched the film ‘Otto Baxter: Not a F***ing Horror Story’ last night – a documentary that follows a film-maker with Down’s syndrome as he makes an autobiographical horror film.

The film he makes is called The Puppet Asylum - it is a reimagining of his own life, from birth as an unwanted, deformed, horned child “The Monster”, through his years in captivity in the ‘Puppet Asylum’ at the mercy of “The Master”, to eventually becoming his own master.

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

10 reasons your soul business might not be yielding the results you long for… 🤨

1. Focusing on searching for new clients rather than whole-heartedly serving the precious clients you already have. 👁️
2. Treating your soul business like a hobby and prioritising everything else in your life over it, and yet, still expecting it to bring the results of a business. 💼

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Magic, Embodiment, Self Illumination, Kinship Lian Brook-Tyler Magic, Embodiment, Self Illumination, Kinship Lian Brook-Tyler

Do you know your story? 📖

Humans are designed to be endlessly fascinated with and moved by stories… something that this crazy modern world knows and uses to maleficent effect.

Unless we become focused on, even obsessed with, and ultimately devoted to our own story, we will be forever pulled into the stories of a world that is hell bent upon eating itself…

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

The new Be Mythical logo… Why the star? 🌟

Those who know Jonathan and I at all will know that very little of what we do is on a whim… the curse and blessing of bringing two souls together who are both said to be “over-thinkers” (a description which is often a misunderstanding of the vital deep inner workings of old souls but that’s a story for another time.

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Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Kinship, Magic, Spirit, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

Reciprocity as activism ♥️

The way my daughter moves from voraciously reading (currently the Throne of Glass series of fantasy novels) to devotionally creating from that inspiration is a beautiful reminder of how natural and necessary those cycles of receiving and giving, consuming and creating, are for humans if we are to be in right relationship with ourselves and the world around us, human and otherwise.

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