Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth
“No wonder we’re like this, our souls are closer to the surface.”
Before I went to bed last night I was reading a book for the *partners* of autistic women (such an autistic woman thing to do), and then spent my dreams giving three different TED talks on our sensitivities, lack of guile or filter, and our seeming ill fit for this modern material world.
Happened 💫
I happened to share the memory of my father crying with the Medicine circle earlier and then happened to see the writing below that mentions the very same memory.
Two happeneds make magic, of course.
“Everything is Material for my Liberation”
This is one of my most used phrases which has become an iconic and much-quoted Waking The Wild term, so much so, it’s frequently abbreviated to “MfL” (which can also been read as “mother f*cking love” - which actually has much the same energetic!)
I saw it was International Son’s Day yesterday and didn’t feel moved to take notice of it.
Then this morning a friend posted some photos of her sons and I noticed how my heart glowed upon feeling her unreserved, unconditional love for her grown-up boys, a.k.a. men.
Show yourself
I happened to see this old photo of me yesterday, thinking I must have seemed like I was bursting with confidence, what with strutting along a wall in just a bikini top and white hot pants.
From coach to soul 💫
Much of the work we do now is guiding magical people from being cookie cutter coaches into being their soul’s unique medicine…. A journey summed up here in a handful of words and yet it can be long and arduous, it requires diving into their deepest wounds and being initiated into their power in ways their soul chose but their human wouldn’t.
We’re just entering Money month (one of my fave topics but then I often seem to find myself saying that!) in Waking The Wild Medicine, which is the crucible devoted to supporting magical people to discover and become their medicine and create enchanted, heart-centred businesses serving their soul clients.
I’ve known for many years that the voice of Soul and Spirit is quiet, sometimes imperceptible, when we’re numbed and seduced by life in this crazy modern world.
“Which of the 3 types of needs is this?”
Making the right choices for YOU is about knowing the difference between your 3 types of needs:
Needs that are Primal, e.g. for your human to survive.
Needs that are from Shadow, e.g. created by conditioning, trauma or ancestral wounds.
Neurodivergence, business and soul
That might sound like a strange collection of words to put together and yet, in my work they make for such easy bedmates, they’re more like soul mates (we’ll ease into the scarily woo matter of ‘soul’ gently, leaving that to the end.)
What the Spirit of the Sauna is teaching me
As part of my year-and-a-day long commitment to the Fire, I decided to have weekly saunas, which will be interspersed with sweat lodges with my shamanic family.
What’s in your mind’s eye? 👁
As part of the work we do to unite people with their soul, I lead them through journeys into different experiences.
Some of these journeys are called guided visualisations, though I’ve known for many years that not everyone can visualise clearly and I’m continually adapting how I create these experiences to powerfully work for people who hear, feel or know instead of see.
The Sacred Pause
Today is the first day of my month-long sacred pause… no teaching, no podcasting, no guiding… instead I will be devoted to my family, my home life and my own shamanic practice.
I’m beginning the month by re-reading my teacher, Jez Hughes’ first book.
♭ᾰ♭ᾰ ⑂ᾰ❡ᾰ ᐁ
"When you take the medicine of the Baba Yaga, dark Shamaness, it changes you. When you plead with her to show you how to get back to your wild aliveness, to the state in which your rocking hips effect the shining sea, you'd better be ready.
Learning to submit ❤️
I’m naturally a leader and teacher, even though it took decades to fully accept it, meanwhile simultaneously (because shadow often works like this), for most of my life I have struggled to submit to someone else’s authority.
Terrifying acceptance
“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” - C.G. Jung
It is terrifying because it is the most shocking, confronting and disruptive thing… it triggers other people like nothing else when you’ll no longer gag and contort yourself to receive scraps of their approval.
I read a couple of studies recently about the dark side of being seen to be “doing the right thing”.
They showed that displays of excellence can turn off or provoke the very people they might otherwise inspire.
One study showed that “Principled deviants who take the high road threaten others’ moral self-worth”.
8 years old today! 🥂✨💃🏻
I’m *barely* back from the woods so please don’t expect any sense from me but I’ve just discovered it was 8 years TODAY that the podcast was born and it feels right to celebrate…