Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth



Magic, Self Illumination, Embodiment, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler Magic, Self Illumination, Embodiment, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler

The soul-made YES is often the most frightening YES to say

The soul-made YES is often the most frightening YES to say.This is the kind of choice we might need to take to our dreams, to the wild, to prayer… or however we can most clearly hear the voice of Spirit.This is the kind of choice the heart is clear on long before the head is willing to heed it.

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Magic, Spirit, Self Illumination, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler Magic, Spirit, Self Illumination, Embodiment Lian Brook-Tyler

2.5 myths about making a living from doing your Soul Work

The myth: The easy part is discovering what your Soul Work is (AKA if you really had a soul purpose, wouldn’t you already know it?).

The reality: For many people this is the hardest part of all. I spent decades searching, knowing I was here for something deeper and more meaningful than running corporate websites (not that I’m knocking that, that might well be someone’s Soul Work, it just wasn’t mine) but couldn’t figure out what the flip it was.

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Spirit, Embodiment, Self Illumination, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler Spirit, Embodiment, Self Illumination, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler

Creating your life through priming your mind

“Who does she think she is?” Projections: what they mean about you and them

This picture, a print of Waterhouse’s The Soul of the Rose was a wedding present from my husband 11 years ago, it hangs on our bedroom wall and reminds me daily of the dreamy, poetic and soulful way that I’m devoted to living.

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Self Illumination, Embodiment, Rewilding, Magic Lian Brook-Tyler Self Illumination, Embodiment, Rewilding, Magic Lian Brook-Tyler

A homage to the hidden and often misunderstood precious gold of projections

“Who does she think she is?” Projections: what they mean about you and them

I’ll begin this homage to the hidden and often misunderstood precious gold of projections by sharing some of what I’ve heard said about me – either first-hand (after they’d changed their minds about me!) or repeated to me by a person they’d shared them with.

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Self Illumination, Spirit, Kinship, Embodiment, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler Self Illumination, Spirit, Kinship, Embodiment, Rewilding Lian Brook-Tyler

7 things I’ve learned from 7 years running my (soul-led) business

To create a business, a real business – the beautiful, fantastical, edgy af, playful and love-fuelled one that your soul is inconveniently calling you to – takes time. Time to hear your soul’s call, time to find the courage to heed it and then a lot more time than you believe at the start that you can or will give it before it ‘works’.

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